This is a book written by Xu Hui, an expert of Chinese ancient civilization. In it, she leads the readers on a journey back to the history of Chinese language. Reading through the book, readers will find out how these 200 phrases came into being in the very beginning and how they adopted their present meaning and usage; they will get experience as well as knowledge; they will discover that Chinese language has its own life. With its help, readers will never misuse and abuse Chinese again.
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Oct 21, 2015

So That is the Correct Meaning of the Phrase
This is a book written by Xu Hui, an expert of Chinese ancient civilization. In it, she leads the readers on a journey back to the history of Chinese language. Reading through the book, readers will find out how these 200 phrases came into being in the very beginning and how they adopted their present meaning and usage; they will get experience as well as knowledge; they will discover that Chinese language has its own life. With its help, readers will never misuse and abuse Chinese again.
# yisi
# yuanlai
# zhege
# zhegeci
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