"Learn Chinese with Me" is a specially prepared high school students for overseas Chinese teaching materials, using mainly targeted at overseas 15-18-year-olds. A total of four sets of teaching materials, including books school textbooks and supporting each teacher with books, exercise books, word cards, word cards, CD. Natural materials in the arrangement of contents, fun, close to the students real life, in line with the psychological characteristics of second language learners learn the laws and adolescents; after-school practice lively and varied, interactive and emphasize the development of learners' participation.
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Jul 10, 2013

Learn Chinese with Me (full)
"Learn Chinese with Me" is a specially prepared high school students for overseas Chinese teaching materials, using mainly targeted at overseas 15-18-year-olds. A total of four sets of teaching materials, including books school textbooks and supporting each teacher with books, exercise books, word cards, word cards, CD. Natural materials in the arrangement of contents, fun, close to the students real life, in line with the psychological characteristics of second language learners learn the laws and adolescents; after-school practice lively and varied, interactive and emphasize the development of learners' participation.
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Duy trì một trang web không vì mục đích lợi nhận, nhằm mang đến cho các bạn các trãi nghiệm thú vị qua việc học và ghi nhớ chữ tượng hình Trung Quốc. Tại đây bạn có thể tìm kiếm và tải về bất cứ tài liệu nào mà không phải mất phí.