"Translation Workshop (English Translation)" The author does not surmise shallow, in recent years, we have from the community to undertake the translation of material collected and collated and combined with my master undertaken translation and translation of Master Graduate of "translation work Place "teaching practical courses, prepared this entitled" translation workshop (English translation) "textbook (we are also working with, so that the textbook companion" translation workshop (translation) "In the near the future also available). Textbook authors are personally most materials translation, a small part of someone else's translation but after the "Translation Workshop (English Translation)" On changes and polish, there are several from the network or in the real life collected very useful material, as well as an entirely from Yibi others.
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Aug 15, 2015

Translation Workshop (English Translation)
"Translation Workshop (English Translation)" The author does not surmise shallow, in recent years, we have from the community to undertake the translation of material collected and collated and combined with my master undertaken translation and translation of Master Graduate of "translation work Place "teaching practical courses, prepared this entitled" translation workshop (English translation) "textbook (we are also working with, so that the textbook companion" translation workshop (translation) "In the near the future also available). Textbook authors are personally most materials translation, a small part of someone else's translation but after the "Translation Workshop (English Translation)" On changes and polish, there are several from the network or in the real life collected very useful material, as well as an entirely from Yibi others.
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