Author: Xu Shu editor; Hanyu editorial board codification
Publication item: Sichuan Dictionary Publishing House; Hubei Dictionary Publishing House
Text: 4810 | 7 files | 4.58GB
Book Description:
"Hanyu" is a compilation of words regular script characters, a total of eight volumes, income 54,678 words regular script, arranged by 200 radicals. The book-shaped sound and meaning of Chinese characters have been systematically explain comprehensively analyzed ancient and modern regular script characters, to reflect the physical changes of Chinese characters, it included a representative of Oracle, Jin, Seal and official script form. Using the phonetic alphabet marked the modern pronunciation of the word, but Fanqie marked medieval tone, reflected by rhyme Middle Chinese. Interpretation is complete, the original meaning, derive meaning, through false righteousness are to be described in detail.
The dictionary won the China Book Award and the National Book Award.
EBook use:
Raw material for the book Mr. Ren Zhen scan color jpg file, after 001 Haitao brother cut and made into a PDF, text files plus there are five pages link function between the check word table and appendix, Header table and check the word list, easy to use. Due to the current computer configuration has been greatly improved, you can run large files. This made into a document, page-width in this tsunami, based on detailed bookmarks, integrated subsidiary official page book, you can locate the actual page numbers. While reducing the volume of DVD recorders convenience while maintaining the original definition.
Affiliated page book bookmark points, four parts text, index, appendix, text by volume to strokes, radical for the order, direct link to the page where the radicals to facilitate browsing the book. The appendix to the Homophones table, Chinese word list by department to do a detailed bookmark.
Segment index word table and stroke first inspection check the word list, Radical Indexing table as text to strokes, radical for the order, but the link is check the word list, based on radical linked page, press the number of strokes found After the required text in the page jump box to enter numbers, press Enter to reach the desired page text. If difficulties may use strokes check the word table to find by strokes, after finding ways above. Generally, we know the pronunciation or would Wubi recommended retrieval software, enter text Enter the text you want to know the actual page numbers.
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Aug 3, 2015

Comprehensive Chinese Word Dictionary
# dacidian
# hanyu
# jianzibiao
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About Tina Nguyen
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Comprehensive Chinese Word Dictionary
Tina NguyenAug 03, 2015