That book describes the progress made in the past three decades semantics, to comment on a variety of perspectives. Papers on the theory of the book is mainly semantic philosopher, logician, and linguists, the next focus of discussion topics within the field of linguistics semantics research.
Title Semantics
Author Xu Liejiong
Edition 2
Publisher Languages Press, 1990
Original from the University of California
Digitized 10 May 2008
ISBN 7800062376, 9787800062377
Length 300 pages
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Jun 23, 2015

# yuyixue
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About Tina Nguyen
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Linguistic Semantics An Introduction
Tina NguyenJul 04, 2015Semantics 95
Tina NguyenJun 23, 2015Semantics 92
Tina NguyenJun 23, 2015