This is the earlist and a widely popular textbook on cognitive linguistics. Within the framework of experiential view, prominence view, and attentional view, the book comprehensively and profoundly discusses research objects and methods of cognitive linguistics, systematically interprets its fundamental concepts and principles, generally introducs the theories, and profoundly elaborates on some important issues. The book not only relfects the latest development of cognitive linguistics, but also includes the authors research findings and innovations. Abundant in content and novel in perspectives, it is an important book for learning and researching cognitive linguistics.
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Jun 23, 2015

Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics
This is the earlist and a widely popular textbook on cognitive linguistics. Within the framework of experiential view, prominence view, and attentional view, the book comprehensively and profoundly discusses research objects and methods of cognitive linguistics, systematically interprets its fundamental concepts and principles, generally introducs the theories, and profoundly elaborates on some important issues. The book not only relfects the latest development of cognitive linguistics, but also includes the authors research findings and innovations. Abundant in content and novel in perspectives, it is an important book for learning and researching cognitive linguistics.
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About Tina Nguyen
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