Editor: The author based on their years of teaching experience and in-depth study of the HSK Chinese Proficiency Test, refer to the HSK sample volume summarizes the listening comprehension section often test of numbers, time, relationships and other 23 kinds of questions, and each kinds of questions of signs, rules and problem-solving skills for a detailed explanation. In order to facilitate the candidates proficiency in problem-solving approach each question type, all kinds of questions in the back of each carefully designed to synchronize simulation training problems. Finally, with two hearing simulation papers in the book, for the candidates to assess their overall level. This book can be used as HSK Chinese Proficiency Test [primary and secondary] of self-learning materials and a variety of Chinese training reference book.
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Oct 10, 2014

HSK Chinese Proficiency Test Listening Comprehension analysis and training junior high
HSK Chinese Proficiency Test Listening Comprehension analysis and training junior high
# fenxi
# hanyu
# hsk
# kaoshi
# shuiping
# shunlian
# tingli
# tixing
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About Tina Nguyen
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