As the main language textbook in “A Series of Specialized Chinese Textbooks for Foreigners Studying in China·Business Chinese” (来华留学生专业汉语学习丛书﹒经贸汉语系列), this is a specialized Chinese language textbook for students who are going to major in economics and trade in college. The main objective of this course is to develop the international students’ basic Chinese knowledge and skills in economics and trade, remove their language barriers and provide necessary language support for their majors.
Business Chinese Reading is a Chinese language teaching material which focuses on studying the high-frequency words in economics and trade, takes the Chinese language training as the guideline and combines the task-based teaching method with the teaching of their majors. It is used as a Chinese language compulsory course by students that are going to major economics and trade in college. It can also be used by other international students who have learned the basic modern Chinese language grammar, having mastered 500 frequently used words and having an interest in economics and trade. This teaching material is recommended to be used 3-4 class hours per week and be taught within a term.
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Oct 11, 2014

Business Chinese Reading Course
# hanyu
# jiaocheng
# jingmao
# yuedu
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