"Meeting China: Advanced Comprehensive Chinese" in the original "Meeting China" series of textbooks based on the re-write is made to retain the original materials on the basis of the characteristics of the integration of new teaching ideas, the overall design, the preparation of principle, style arrangement corpus compile etc. embodies the characteristics of short-term aspects of Chinese language teaching.
A full set of textbooks and teaching materials into a comprehensive textbook spoken two series, a total of 8, 12 lessons per book, including class warm-up before each lesson, words, text, language points and related special exercises, integrated training content.
The main feature of this kit is a comprehensive textbook and spoken texts both self-contained, but also take care of each other, at the same time, students' comprehensive ability of prominent Chinese spoken language training. In addition, the kit is to emphasize active learning training capacity, improve the comprehensive ability of Chinese students in a real environment through the task of training and group interaction.
This kit from near beginners to start progressively increase, the level can be refined, is conducive to teaching at different levels of placement. Users may need to use a full set of materials, but also can be used alone or a book of a series of textbooks. Complete sets of school textbooks, students can reach the level of intermediate or quasi Advanced Chinese. "Meeting China: Senior Chinese" in the original "Meeting China" series of textbooks based on the re-write is made to retain the original materials on the basis of the characteristics of the integration of new teaching ideas, the overall design, the preparation of principle, style arrangement corpus compile etc. embodies the characteristics of short-term aspects of Chinese language teaching.
A full set of textbooks and teaching materials into a comprehensive textbook spoken two series, a total of 8, 12 lessons per book, including class warm-up before each lesson, words, text, language points and related special exercises, integrated training content.
The main feature of this kit is a comprehensive textbook and spoken texts both self-contained, but also take care of each other, at the same time, students' comprehensive ability of prominent Chinese spoken language training. In addition, the kit is to emphasize active learning training capacity, improve the comprehensive ability of Chinese students in a real environment through the task of training and group interaction.
This kit from near beginners to start progressively increase, the level can be refined, is conducive to teaching at different levels of placement. Users may need to use a full set of materials, but also can be used alone or a book of a series of textbooks. Complete sets of school textbooks, students can reach the level of intermediate or quasi Advanced Chinese.
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Sep 30, 2014

Meeting China: Advanced Comprehensive Chinese
# gaoji
# hanyu
# zoujin
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About Tina Nguyen
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Duy trì một trang web không vì mục đích lợi nhận, nhằm mang đến cho các bạn các trãi nghiệm thú vị qua việc học và ghi nhớ chữ tượng hình Trung Quốc. Tại đây bạn có thể tìm kiếm và tải về bất cứ tài liệu nào mà không phải mất phí.