Chinese voice in the history of this science has had centuries of history. Ming and Qing dynasties lot of this science studies scholars have made great contributions. Since the early 1900s, the expansion due to improved materials, methods, and achieved a more excellent results. But some specialized publications, the term multi-symbol complex, written not popular, beginner very easy to read. Coupled with the popularization powerless to keep up, so far to understand this science, little man. Because of this science in many ways, especially in terms of culture and education can play a very important role, its popularity is very necessary work, and we wrote the book "History of Chinese phonetics speech." It hopes to be able to put in layman's language and some basic knowledge of the history of Chinese speech research methods introduced to the reader.
Title History of Chinese speech speech
Author Shao Rongfen
Edition reprint
Publisher Tianjin People's Publishing House, 1979
Original from the University of Michigan
Digitized 2 May 2007
Length 145 pages
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Jan 6, 2014

History of Chinese Speech Talk
# hanyu
# jianghua
# yuyin
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