The book is targeted at readers who have learned 3,000 Chinese characters. It follows the tracks of two American business people in China, providing information on typical business activities to the learners. The textbook is divided into 20 lessons, each lesson comprises seven sections: the text, explanation in English, language key points, reading comprehension, background information on business, a short play, and comprehensive exercises. Volume 1 contains 10 lessons.
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Nov 18, 2013

International Business Chinese Vol.2
The book is targeted at readers who have learned 3,000 Chinese characters. It follows the tracks of two American business people in China, providing information on typical business activities to the learners. The textbook is divided into 20 lessons, each lesson comprises seven sections: the text, explanation in English, language key points, reading comprehension, background information on business, a short play, and comprehensive exercises. Volume 1 contains 10 lessons.
# guoji
# hanyu
# shangwu
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Chinese for Mnagers Business Chinese vol.1 (CD)