Paperback: 189 pages
Publisher: Hai Feng Publishing Co Ltd, Hong Kong; New edition edition (Dec 31 1997)
Language: Chinese
ISBN-10: 9622380328
ISBN-13: 978-9622380325
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
Dictionary collects more than 3200 commonly used Chinese words, multiword entries with side a total of more than 27000, including the terms in general life, and frequently used words of culture, education, politics, economy, sports, agriculture and so on, are appropriately selected some common proverbs and idioms.The
dictionary has the following characteristics:
1 content of the new.Since China's reform and opening up, new things are constantly emerging, the dictionary of neologisms are more common.
2 practical interpretation example.Each entry in the English translation is equal, release the obligation for precise, practical.Use extra on English words, such as some verbs or adjectives to one one to indicate what preposition.Complex word have a phrase or a sentence to illustrate.
3 check is convenient.The text to Pinyin alphabetical order; radical words arranged in accordance with the new radicals of Chinese characters, does not need the number of strokes.Marked with number words are homophones cohomology.
dictionary is based on the author over the years have accumulated data as the main basis, supplemented by a part of the new material recently collected, and reference the Chinese-English dictionary of a variety of domestic and foreign published English-Chinese prepared.At the time of going to press, for Mr. Yang Liyi helped edit, thanks.
Dictionary of difficult to perfect, limited level, inappropriate and fallacy, the inevitable, I sincerely hope the readers in the use of any valuable advice, grant.
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Sep 18, 2013

A Consise Chinese-English Picture Dictionary
# hanying
# jianming
# tujie
# zidian
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About Tina Nguyen
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