"Learning from the textbook English Translation Series • Practical Guide" consists of three parts, the first part for the translation of knowledge presentation, including the definition of translation, the translator's task of translation criteria and translation difficulties; second part of the Western translation schools and its translation theory; departure from the practice of the third part, to support a large number of sentences analyzed cultural differences on the impact of translation from the vocabulary, idioms, sentences, and discourse level detailing translation basic skills. Each chapter has targeted a number of exercises designed to consolidate the translation of knowledge. Exercises book is accompanied by translations in English-Chinese Translation of the Anglo-American common country and city names, the name of the Anglo-American countries, important holidays and university major professional course name for reference.
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Aug 8, 2013

A Textbook for Practical English-Chinese Translation
"Learning from the textbook English Translation Series • Practical Guide" consists of three parts, the first part for the translation of knowledge presentation, including the definition of translation, the translator's task of translation criteria and translation difficulties; second part of the Western translation schools and its translation theory; departure from the practice of the third part, to support a large number of sentences analyzed cultural differences on the impact of translation from the vocabulary, idioms, sentences, and discourse level detailing translation basic skills. Each chapter has targeted a number of exercises designed to consolidate the translation of knowledge. Exercises book is accompanied by translations in English-Chinese Translation of the Anglo-American common country and city names, the name of the Anglo-American countries, important holidays and university major professional course name for reference.
# fanyi
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