The book is designed for Japanese learners of Chinese language, focusing on the problems they usually encounter in Chinese pronunciation. With the teaching sequence arranged in accordance with the principles of second language acquisition, the book attaches much importance to the instruction of intonation (especially in a flow of speech), vowels and consonants and at the same time stresses the significance of “learning” by providing abundant pronunciation practices. The appendix at the end of the book gives a detailed explanation on such topics as word stress, stress on the first syllable and stress on the second syllable. The book is accompanied by 5 audio tapes, which are sold independently.
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Aug 8, 2013

A Course of Chinese Pronunciation for Japanese Learners
The book is designed for Japanese learners of Chinese language, focusing on the problems they usually encounter in Chinese pronunciation. With the teaching sequence arranged in accordance with the principles of second language acquisition, the book attaches much importance to the instruction of intonation (especially in a flow of speech), vowels and consonants and at the same time stresses the significance of “learning” by providing abundant pronunciation practices. The appendix at the end of the book gives a detailed explanation on such topics as word stress, stress on the first syllable and stress on the second syllable. The book is accompanied by 5 audio tapes, which are sold independently.
# hanyu
# jiaocheng
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About Tina Nguyen
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