"Vietnamese Lesson 2" is the "Vietnamese-based tutorial" revised. Absorbed in the revision of the various views, suggestions and the latest research, and reference to the recent publication of the Vietnamese language teaching, the original three-volume expanded to four volumes, the text made the necessary updates, so that the content closer to the contemporary life; according to new research on the grammar system has been adjusted, the expansion of the exercise part, to form a more diverse and flexible, increase learner interest. The first book of 18 lessons, 10 lessons before the speech part, teaching Vietnamese speech, including consonants, vowels, tone and syllable structure; after 8 classes teach basic grammar and sentence patterns, text in narrative essays and conversation-based . About 1000 words.
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Jul 20, 2013

Vietnamese Basic Course 2
# jiaocheng
# jichu
# yuenan
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About Tina Nguyen
Duy trì một trang web không vì mục đích lợi nhận, nhằm mang đến cho các bạn các trãi nghiệm thú vị qua việc học và ghi nhớ chữ tượng hình Trung Quốc. Tại đây bạn có thể tìm kiếm và tải về bất cứ tài liệu nào mà không phải mất phí.