An intensive, well-organized, one-volume beginning course for adult learners. The 40 lessons develop an 800-word vocabulary and 301 basic conversational sentence patterns. On completion, the student should be able to carry on simple conversations, and will have acquired a solid foundation for further study. For classes and self-study, with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin, and English explanations. Also available are six audio cassettes to accompany the textbook, which are sold separately. Please type in ASIN B000NVV38O to search.
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Jul 27, 2013

Conversational Chinese 301 (Vietnamese)
An intensive, well-organized, one-volume beginning course for adult learners. The 40 lessons develop an 800-word vocabulary and 301 basic conversational sentence patterns. On completion, the student should be able to carry on simple conversations, and will have acquired a solid foundation for further study. For classes and self-study, with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin, and English explanations. Also available are six audio cassettes to accompany the textbook, which are sold separately. Please type in ASIN B000NVV38O to search.
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Duy trì một trang web không vì mục đích lợi nhận, nhằm mang đến cho các bạn các trãi nghiệm thú vị qua việc học và ghi nhớ chữ tượng hình Trung Quốc. Tại đây bạn có thể tìm kiếm và tải về bất cứ tài liệu nào mà không phải mất phí.