It enables the learners to transfer smoothly from the elementary level to the advanced level. This two-volume course book is suitable for intermediate learners with a vocabulary of 2,500 words. Aiming at developing the learners'communication skills, it provides topics in education, marriage, economy, law, etc. through functional and cultural projects. It mainly includes the 3rd level vocabulary and grammar, providing multiple repeats of key words, grammar, sentence patterns, functional items and topics. Each lesson contains text, words collocation and extension, grammar notes, sub-texts, exercises, etc. It is an excellent textbook with up- to-date content, high recurrence of words, abundant exercises and clear explanations
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Jul 4, 2013

Bridge: A Practical Course in Intermediate Chinese vol.2 - Textbook
Bridge: A Practical Course in Intermediate Chinese vol.2 - Textbook
It enables the learners to transfer smoothly from the elementary level to the advanced level. This two-volume course book is suitable for intermediate learners with a vocabulary of 2,500 words. Aiming at developing the learners'communication skills, it provides topics in education, marriage, economy, law, etc. through functional and cultural projects. It mainly includes the 3rd level vocabulary and grammar, providing multiple repeats of key words, grammar, sentence patterns, functional items and topics. Each lesson contains text, words collocation and extension, grammar notes, sub-texts, exercises, etc. It is an excellent textbook with up- to-date content, high recurrence of words, abundant exercises and clear explanations
# hanyu
# jiaocheng
# qiaoliang
# shiyong
# zhongji
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About Tina Nguyen
Duy trì một trang web không vì mục đích lợi nhận, nhằm mang đến cho các bạn các trãi nghiệm thú vị qua việc học và ghi nhớ chữ tượng hình Trung Quốc. Tại đây bạn có thể tìm kiếm và tải về bất cứ tài liệu nào mà không phải mất phí.