This series of textbooks is composed of Elementary Chinese Reading and Writing, Intermediary Chinese Reading and Writing, and Advanced Chinese Reading and Writing, which correspond to the three stages of Chinese reading and writing and can be used respectively for the second semester of the first year and the two semesters in the second year by foreign students in college. Abiding by the principle of hand-in-hand development in reading and writing, the book integrates the training of reading and that of writing into a whole so as to cultivate the students’ writing ability together with their reading ability. Speaking of reading, the texts in the book are typical and enduring, with tips provided before them for convenience in use. As for writing, the training involves various genres of writing exercises, ranging from paragraphs to passages, in order to gradually improve the students’ ability in writing. Moreover, the reading text and the writing exercise in each unit corresponds with each other in both content and style so that the students’ skills in reading and writing can be improved to the largest extent as a result of the mutual influence between the two.
The book is accompanied by 2 audio tapes, which are sold independently.
本套教材由《初级汉语读写教程》、《中级汉语读写教程》、《高级汉语读写教程》组成,构成汉语阅读与写作的三阶段系列,供留学生一年级下学期至二年级一学年使用。本教材本着读写同步的原则,融阅读训练与写作训练为一体,在培养学生阅读能力的同时,也培养其写作能力。其中阅读所选阅读文章具有典范性和持久性,文前有阅读提示,便于使用。读写训练涉及各体裁的写作,由片断到整篇,逐步提高学生的汉语写作能力。同时,每单元的阅读课文与写作训练在文体与内容上相对应,可使阅读理解能力与写作能力相互影响、相互作用,最大限度地提高学生的读写能力。 本书配有录音磁带2盘,请单独购买。
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Jul 17, 2013

A Course in Chinese Reading and Writing - Intermediate
# duxie
# hanyu
# jiaocheng
# zhongji
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About Tina Nguyen
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